Motorola XT420, XT460, XTNi and XTNiD repairs

£25.20 £19.35
Item number: MACXT4REP10

The XT series of Motorola licence free 446 radios can be repaired in many cases. If the antenna cover is damaged or broken off you will need a new housing. Likewise if the rubber push-to-talk button is missing, the housing will have to be replaced. If the handset randomly shouts out the channel number, this can also be repaired. Cost of the different housing vary, please ask what the latest price is for your radio case.

Please note you are responsable for shipping costs to send the repair(s) to us. The shipping you pay is to return the equipment to your address. The repair form and normal price list can be found by clicking here

You do not need to pay up front, you can also pay once the radio has been repaired, but you will pay a bit more.

Cost excludes housing, battery, belt clip and charging equipment.